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Protezione dei dati personali

Pursuant Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679- on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation )(hereinafter referred only “GDPR”) and Slovak Act No. 18/2018 Z.z. on Personal Data Protection


Business name: Zajo Design s.r.o.
Registered office:
29. augusta 1646/6, 924 01 Galanta, Slovak republic
Company ID No.:
51 695 529
Company registered:
in the Commercial Register of the Trnava I District Court, Section: Sro, Insert No. 31624/T
Represented by:
Juraj Králik, Managing Director
Contact person:
Daniel Meliška
Email address:
Telephone contact:
+421 918 654 285

(hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”)


A data subject is any natural person whose personal data are processed by the Controller. Controller is Slovak business company, with it seat in Slovakia, based on Slovak Law. Controller is entitled to process personal data only provided hereinafter referred conditions.

1. In the event of using purchasing services through the Controller´s e-shop, the contractual parties have agreed that the buyer (hereinafter referred to as the “data subject”) in the case he/she is a natural person, shall communicate to the seller his/her name and surname, permanent address including postal code, telephone number, e-mail address, current account number (sale via e-shop payment gateway). The data subject provides personal data to the Controller voluntarily and freely in order to fulfil his/her obligations following from the purchase contract and other communication with him. Without providing them, the Controller in the position of a seller cannot properly fulfil the contract with the data subject and therefore it shall not be even possible to conclude a contract with the data subject as a buyer. The purpose of processing these personal data is to issue a tax document, pre-contractual relationships, identification of the data subject, confirmation of the order by telephone or e-mail, delivery of goods, and registration in the internet shop The data subject declares that he has voluntarily provided all the stated data and that these data are true. The data subject declares that he is aware of the implications of stating intentionally false information, in particular of the fact that such a procedure could be classified as a criminal offense. All the rights of the data subject are disclosed in the part Cl.8 ‘rights of the data subject’ of Controller´s “General Terms and Conditions. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfilment of a purchase contract.

2. The Controller shall process the personal data of the data subject for the purpose of discount programs, for the purpose of subscribing to a newsletter which is considered to be direct marketing, and for purposes of public opinion research only after the clear and voluntary provision of the consent of the data subject in accordance with § 13 (1) a) of Act No. 18/2018 Z. z. on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and according to Article 6 of GDPR. The person in question expresses his / her consent or disagreement with the processing of personal data by ticking the appropriate box when ordering the goods via the Internet Store, when registering on or by any other appropriate means. If the person concerned does not tick the box of consent, the Controller is not authorized to process personal data for marketing and opinion polling purposes. The data subject shall express his consent or disagreement with the processing of his personal data by ticking a particular box when ordering the goods through an internet shop, when registering on web site or by any other appropriate means. If the data subject does not tick the box of consent, the Controller shall not be authorized to process personal data for marketing and public opinion research purposes. The data subject has the right any time after provision of consent to the processing of his personal data for marketing purposes or public opinion research, to withdraw that consent, and the Controller shall immediately ensure that his personal data are not processed for that purpose and that they shall be deleted from the marketing and public opinion research, taking into account the right of the data subject to be forgotten. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the expression of consent.

3. The data subject, by sending an order to the Controller as seller, honestly declares that he gives consent in accordance with the provisions of § 13 par. (1) (a) of the Act for the Controller to process and store his personal data, in particular those referred to in Point 1 above and which are necessary for the Controller's activities as a seller of goods, and to process them in the information system of “sale” for the data subject as a customer. At the same time, the data subject honestly declares that he is aware of his rights and the fact that in the event of the conclusion of a purchase contract the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfilment of the contract, and the rights, obligations and liabilities arising therefrom. At the same time, the data subject is aware of the cross-border transfer of personal data from the country of data subject´s origin to Slovakia. Transfer of personal data among the Member States of the European Union is fully guaranteed without any limitation. The Controller declares that personal data shall not be transferred to third countries without necessary data protection. Personal data for the purposes of sale are processed by the Controller for the purpose of recording concluded sales contracts between a seller and a buyer, bookkeeping regarding issued invoices and other documents and for the purpose of transport services of the purchased goods, as well as for the purpose of marketing and public opinion research, provided that the data subject has given his consent for the given purpose. The Controller is authorized to provide personal data processed with the consent of the data subject for the above purposes in order to increase the quality of the goods and services provided and to increase customer satisfaction. The Controller undertakes to treat and handle the personal data of the data subject in accordance with the applicable legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, in particular the Act and GDPR. In case of any legal dispute arising from data protection, data subject has agreed with Slovak jurisdiction and Slovak courts shall be desided. The Controller shall process the personal data of the data subject only for the time necessary to meet his obligations following from the purchase contract and from generally binding legislation, while preserving the principle of minimizing their retention, taking into account the legitimate interests of the Controller under the Controller's Business Terms.

4. Consent to the processing of personal data may be withdrawn by the data subject in writing at any time. The consent shall expire without undue delay from the receipt of revocation of the consent of the data subject by the Controller and the data shall subsequently be erased. The Controller shall not disclose the personal data to any third party unless it is necessary to fulfil obligations arising from the purchase contract. The data subject acknowledges that the Controller, in order to perform the contract of sale, provided the personal data of data subjects for further processing to these persons as a mediators, but after the fulfilment of the obligations arising to the Controller from the Act as well as GDPR, in particular with regard to verification that in the selection of a mediator he devoted attention to his professional, technical, organizational and personnel capabilities and his ability to guarantee the security of the processed personal data and to ensure the protection of the rights of the data subjects.

List of mediators for the purpose of shipping:

Business name: FREE Company s.r.o.
Registered office:
Diaľničná cesta 6, 903 01 Senec
Company ID No.:
47 976 292
Company registered:
in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, Insert No. 104976/B

5. The data subject has the right and the possibility to update or request to correct their personal data directly in the on-line regime on the web site of the Controller's Internet shop after signing in in “My Account” menu.

6. The Controller declares that, in accordance with the Act and GDPR, he processes personal data of the data subjects, of course in accordance with good manners.

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